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Asked by: Helle Ibabe
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow do you hang a fire extinguisher?
Likewise, people ask, where do you put a fire extinguisher?
Fire Extinguisher Locations The extinguishers should be placed in areas that are accessible within seconds. Place them in easy-to-grab spots, near exits. The National Fire Protection Association recommends having at least one fire extinguisher on every floor of the home. The first location should be the kitchen.
Also Know, what is the code for fire extinguishers?
Colour coding of Extinguishers
Type | Old Code | Fire Class |
Foam | Cream | A, B, electrical if dielectrically tested |
Dry Powder | French Blue | A, B, C, electrical |
Carbon Dioxide | Black | B, electrical |
Halon | Emerald Green | A |
If it is a typical dry chemical extinguisher then it stored upright. These are the common extinguishers purchased at a store that are marked for A, B and C type fires. Fire codes differ but as far as best practices mounting them upright keeps the powder at the bottom, which is good.