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Asked by: Chrifa Jurbin
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you hang drywall on a basement ceiling?
In respect to this, how do you install drywall on a basement ceiling?
Here are some steps to Prepare basement ceiling for drywall and installing drywall on the ceiling of your basement:
- Step 1: Measure the area.
- Step 2: Hang the full sheets of drywall to the basement ceiling first.
- Step 3: Make the drywall cuts.
- Step 4: Hang cut pieces.
- Step 5: Make cuts for fixtures.
- Step 6: Mud and Tape.
Thereof, what kind of drywall do you use for a basement ceiling?
There's 1/4 inch drywall, 1/2 inch drywall, 5/8ths of an inch drywall and 3/4 inch drywall. The most commonly installed thickness, per my extensive Google searching, is 1/2 inch. This is what I had installed in my basement.
The average cost to install drywall is between $1.60 and $2.35 per square foot. For a typical 12' x 12' room with a wall height of 8', the price averages around $815 for just the walls, or a total of $903 if including the ceiling drywall.