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Asked by: Severine Howelkroger
home and garden outdoor decoratingHow do you hang mantle stockings without nails?
Find a sturdy, heavy branch that you canhangagainst the wall with a large ribbon or set atopyourmantel. Tie lengths of twine around the branchtohang the stockings from. Then, place it onthemantel along with other decor like sculptures,garland,candles and lanterns.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you hang stockings without a mantle?
16 Christmas Stocking Hanging Ideas (that don't requireafireplace)
- Hang them from a bookcase. Source: The Happy Flammily.
- Use a coat rack to hang your stockings. Source: Jenna SueDesignCo.
- Hang from a ladder.
- Hang in the window.
- Hang from a pair of skis.
- Hang from a faux mantel.
- Hang from wall hooks.
- Hang from a DIY rack.
- Stocking holder. Probably the easiest way to hang yourstockingsis from a stocking holder.
- Curtain rod.
- Wooden ladder.
- String.
- Knobs of a drawer or cabinets.
- Bedpost or bed frame.
Similarly, it is asked, what direction should stockings hang?
95% of stocking toes point totheright. The only time this would matter is if you are looking toaddmore stockings to your mantle in the future.
Here's how:
- Attach several clear or white removable hooks evenly spacedontop of the mantel.
- Securely tie fishing wire around the garland to align withthehooks.
- Tie the other end of the fishing wire around the hookstightly,so the garland is hanging in front of the mantel in adrapingeffect.