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Asked by: Fadoua Shigon
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsHow do you improve your balance as you age?
Healthy Aging: 8 Simple Steps to Improve Your Balance asYouAge
- Keep moving!
- Take a short walk each day, and gradually increasethetime and distance you are walking.
- Do some gentle stretching.
- Drink enough water.
- Consider using a cane, walking stick, or other device.
- Get engaged in your community!
- Learn a new skill.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what exercises improve balance?
6 Best Balance Exercises for Better Stability
- Foot Taps. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart in frontofa step (the bottom step of a staircase will work) or low pieceoffurniture.
- Head Rotations. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
- Standing Marches.
- Sit-to-Stands.
- Single-Leg Stands.
- Over-the-Shoulder Walks.
Likewise, people ask, at what age does balance decline?
As we age, our balance declines —ifit isn't practiced — and can cause falls. Every yearmorethan one in three people age 65 years or older fall, andtherisk increases with age.
Improve your balance bywalking.Walking helps build lower-body strength, animportantelement of good balance. Walking is safeexercise formost people and, in addition to improvingbalance, countstoward your aerobic activity goals.