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Asked by: Rosmen Kalinchuk
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you increase basil production?
- Plant with seeds or a starter plant.
- Well-drained soil is good soil for basil.
- Keep the temperature fairly warm with lots of sunlight (at least six hours a day).
- Fertilize the soil about once a month if you're growing it indoors.
- Water often in hot weather.
- Prune it!
- Keep insects away.
Accordingly, how is basil grown commercially?
To produce essential basil oil, the plant is harvested when the flowers are in full bloom. Basil leaves are harvested above the bottom two to four sets of true leaves for fresh and dried markets. In larger commercial operations, basil plants are cut four to five inches above the ground to allow for regrowth.
In this way, how can I make basil grow faster?
How to Cultivate Basil
- Soil: Basil does its best in well-drained, moist soil with a neutral pH.
- Sun: Basil grows well in warm environments that receive about six hours of sun each day.
- Water: Give basil water when the soil is dry to the touch, doing your best to water the plant at its base and not all over its leaves.
Basil is native to tropical regions from central Africa to Southeast Asia. It is a tender plant, and is used in cuisines worldwide. Depending on the species and cultivar, the leaves may taste somewhat like anise, with a strong, pungent, often sweet smell.