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Asked by: Natalie Huneken
technology and computing graphics softwareHow do you insert a jet in Excel?
- Open the Excel Add-Ins Window (File | Options|Add-Ins)
- Choose to Manage Excel Add-ins.
- Click Go
- Click the Browse button and browse to the "JetReports"programfolder.
- Select JetReports. xlam.
- Click Yes to overwrite the file if prompted, then clickOK.
Similarly, it is asked, what is Jet Excel?
Jet Reports is a Microsoft ExcelAdd-inthat integrates Excel with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, GP,orany database that has an OLE or ODBC driver available so youcancreate reports with simple worksheet functions.
Also Know, how do I enable an add in in Excel?
To activate an Excel add-in Click the File tab, click Options, and then clicktheAdd-Ins category. In the Manage box, clickExcelAdd-ins, and then click Go. In the Add-Insavailablebox, select the check box next to the add-in thatyou wantto activate, and then click OK.
There are mainly 5 different reasons forExcelInsert button greyed out on the DeveloperTab.Reason 1: Excel Insert button greyed outdue toExcel Sheet or Workbook is Protected. Reason 2:ExcelInsert button greyed out due to ExcelSheet orWorkbook is Shared.