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Asked by: Anastassia Jakuschenko
home and garden home appliancesHow do you install a chimney cap leg kit?
Also to know is, how do you install a chimney cap?
To use the adhesive to install a top mountchimney cap, place the chimney cap where you want itto be on your chimney crown (the concrete area surroundingthe flue or flues) and bend the flange around the bottom ofthe chimney cap so that it conforms to the chimneycrown. Draw a line around the perimeter of the flange.
Also question is, how much is a chimney cap installation?
The estimated cost to install a chimneycap on your fireplace is around $45 – $80 for abasic cap with DIY installation. To have aprofessional install the chimney cap, the costwith installation is around $150 – $200.
A chimney cap prevents water from entering thechimney. Moisture can enter the flue anytime itrains, without a chimney cap. This can cause water to getinside the attic or house as it runs down the brickwork. When meshnetting is installed with the cap, animals are preventedfrom entering the chimney.