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Asked by: Gosho Penner
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you install a fireplace damper?
How to Install a Fireplace Damper
- Step 1 - Open the Fireplace Doors. Open the doors completely to your fireplace.
- Step 3 - Remove the Existing Damper. Locate the damper and remove it from the chimney.
- Step 4 - Purchase a New Damper. Take your old damper with you to a chimney supply store.
- Step 5 - Install New Damper.
- Step 6 - Open Damper.
- Step 8 - Clean Up.
Then, can you add a damper to a fireplace?
Both wood burning and gas fireplaces should have dampers to prevent energy loss, even if the chimney is not in use. A single flue chimney is very easy for damper installation. The damper will fit right up into the flue system and should sit above the smoke chamber.
Likewise, people ask, how much does it cost to put a damper in a fireplace?
The average cost to repair or replace the damper in your fireplace or chimney is around $60 for damper door replacement only, with DIY installation. If the frame needs to be replaced as well, plan on $350-$400 and a Pro to do the job.
- Step 1 - Clean. Clean your fireplace of all debris.
- Step 2 - Find the Damper. Once you have cleaned your fireplace you will then need to locate the damper.
- Step 3 - Remove the Damper.
- Step 4 - Replacement Damper.
- Step 5 - Attach the Replacement Damper.
- Step 6 - Finishing Touches.