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Asked by: Meie Teodorescu
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you install a mortar bed shower?
Use Pro-Slope or dry packed mortar to create a substrate that is sloped 1/4" per foot from the perimeters to the clamping ring drain. Loose lay a waterproofing membrane like Chloraloy over the substrate. Flood test the system to ensure it is watertight. Next, install a mortar bed over the Chloraloy.
Hereof, what type of mortar do you use for a shower pan?
Mortar mixes for shower pans are blended with Portland cement, which is water-resistant when it hardens, and sand.
In respect to this, how do you install an acrylic shower base in mortar?
Add more thinset to one side to level the floor, if necessary. Check the floor to ensure it is level, using the carpenter's level. Set the acrylic shower pan in place on top of the mortar. Apply pressure at various points across the surface to press it into the mortar.
The type of sand you should use for your shower pan is called sharp sand, while the cement you will need to use is called Portland cement.