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Asked by: Eryk Elorriaga
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you install a roll top ridge cap?
Moreover, how do you finish a ridge cap?
Cut off the top half of the shingle (using the piece without the glue line) and 2-4 nails right through your last shingle. Cover the nails with a drop of roof cement. Nail down, through the tar strip the dark grey shingle in your image. Cut a new piece in half, throwing out the half with the tar strip.
Beside above, how do you seal a metal ridge cap?
Metal Roofing Ridge Cap – Installation Steps
- Run a strip of sealant tape the full length of the ridge, about 1” above your chalk line.
- Run closure strips the length of the ridge, interlocking them end to end as you go, and pressing them down on top of the sealant tape.
Begin installing aluminum fascia at the center of each length by pushing it up snug to the bottom of the soffit panels. Nail it, then work your way in both directions, driving nails every 16 in., placed about 1 in. from the top and bottom. Overlap joints 1 to 2 in.