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Asked by: Theodora Picarali
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you install a window air conditioner support bracket?
- Find the center of the window sill and mark it.
- Small blocks come with the unit that need to be screwed into the window sill.
- One block will be angled so the bracket can be leveled.
- After the blocks are in place screw in the top bracket bar.
- Next mount the bottom bar which has holes for a bolt to slide through.
In this way, do I need a support bracket for my air conditioner?
It would be prudent for all window air conditioners require support brackets. Air conditioners that are heavy or are older always need a support bracket. However, this is only an option if it is a new, light air conditioning unit as a good, solid window frame can help to support it.
Thereof, can you leave a window air conditioner on 24 7?
The simple answer is no, you should not run your air conditioner 24/7. According to multiple sources, running your unit constantly puts strain on the air conditioner and wastes large amounts of energy. It is also wise to turn down your air conditioner if you're leaving for extended periods of time.
Air conditioning systems operate most efficiently at full speed during longer periods of time. So kicking it on a lower temperature when you get home will save you more money than the AC cycling on and off while you're away.