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Asked by: Gracinda Warncken
business and finance construction industryHow do you install brick veneer on a fireplace?
How to Install Brick Veneer Around a Fireplace
- Remove mantels and paneling from the wall.
- Mark your walls as a guide for the brick veneer.
- Spread thinset on a 4- to 6-foot section of the wall with a trowel.
- Cut edge pieces with a tile cutter, or a wet saw if you are working with a large area.
- Set the second course of bricks in the same manner as the first course.
In this way, how do you brick around a fireplace?
Installing brick veneer around a fireplace
- Make sure the wall surrounding the fireplace is even and sturdy.
- Using a tape measure and pencil, mark your spots along the wall every 2 5/8 inches for one row or 5 1/4 inches for every two rows.
- Taking a trowel, spread thinset on 4-foot to 6-foot sections of the wall.
Herein, can you install brick veneer over drywall?
Installing on drywall: In most cases you can adhere our thin brick tiles directly over a painted or unpainted dry wall surface. However, it is not recommended in areas where the drywall is not well attached to wall studs.
Most thin brick units are ½ to 1 in. (13 to 25 mm) thick but can be as thick as 1¾ in. (45 mm). Thin brick shapes such as those depicted in Figure 9 allow the adhered veneer to be applied around corners, giving the appearance of traditional face brick facades.