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Asked by: Alcino Cerdeira
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you install decking with hidden fasteners?
Similarly, you may ask, what are hidden deck fasteners?
Best Hidden Deck Fasteners Decking can be installed with hidden fasteners to create a clean looking surface that is smooth to bare feet. Hidden fasteners can be used with composite, vinyl, cedar, ipe or other exotic hardwood material.
People also ask, what is the best hidden deck fastener system?
Cortex Hidden Deck Fasteners. The Cortex Hidden Fastening System is the fastest, easiest way to hide fasteners in composite, wood, and PVC decking boards. Cortex offers a strong connection between the deck board and joist. It hides fasteners across the entire deck, first and last board, perimeter and stairs.
Secure with screws from bottom through blocks and into stair treads. NOTE: Maximum spacing of deck boards using Hideaway system is 450 mm on center. Fasteners provide 6 mm gap when installed correctly.