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Asked by: Eligijus Plankl
home and garden home appliancesHow do you install furring strips on drywall?
Keeping this in view, can you attach drywall to furring strips?
Once the furring strips are in place,youcan install the drywall the same way youwould onany stud wall. For a standard 8-foot high wall, startby installinga sheet of drywall horizontally at the top edgeof the wall,using drywall screws inserted every 8 inchesinto thefurring strips.
Consequently, what is drywall furring?
In construction, furring (furringstrips)are thin strips of wood or other material to level orraisesurfaces of another material to prevent dampness, to makespace forinsulation, or to level and resurface ceilings orwalls.Furring refers to the process of installing the stripsandto the strips themselves.
Showers are another great place to usefurringstrips. Similar to masonry walls, furringstrips can beused when the studs do not form an evenplane and youneed to make up for it. Then the backer boardcan be installedover a level surface.