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Asked by: Placida Ettlinger
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you insulate a post frame?
Likewise, how do you insulate an existing pole building?
One option is a light spray foam (about 1") on the inside of the siding and along all the edges of the studs. This will act primarily as a vapor barrier so it is important that it seals all the cracks. Then you can install roll fiberglass insulation or "wet" spray on cellulose (fast and not too expensive).
Subsequently, question is, what is the best way to insulate a steel building?
Spray foam generally outperforms batt and blanket, but loose-fill and rigid board are good options, too. Rigid board, made from fiberglass, would be the best option for roofs and basements as the high insulation rating allows it to insulate the home better than, say, loose-fill or batt and blanket.
It is easy to cut, but making any adjustments with cuts or compressing will make it less effective and provide little resistance to the airflow. Fiberglass can cost up to $1 per square foot depending on the R-value and the thermal resistance one is looking for. Another option is to use spray foam insulation.