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Asked by: Svetozar Luthmann
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you keep a turkey crown from drying out?
Simply so, how long should you rest a turkey crown?
You MUST then leave it to rest for20minutes, and it will continue cooking through. It's best to useaproper thermometer and not the red pop-out button sold withtheturkey.
Also know, how do you know when turkey crown is done?
Undercook the turkey There are two ways to tell when your roastisready. For the traditional way, simply pierce the flesh atitsthickest point using a sharp skewer or knife. If thejuicesrun clear, the crown is cooked. If they runslightlypinkish, cook for another 10 minutes andcheckagain.
Place your roughly chopped veg in the bottom ofaroasting pan and lay your turkey on top. Covertheturkey with tin foil then put it in the hot ovenandimmediately turn the temperature downto180°C/350°F/gas 4. Cook for about 35 to 40minutesper kilo. The 5kg bird in this recipe will take about3 to3½ hours.