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Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you keep bread crispy?
To retain the freshness of crusty loavesofbread, store them unwrapped at room temperature.Oncesliced, place breads in closed paper bags. Tomaintainfreshness of soft-crust loaves, store in airtightplasticbags or wrap tightly in plastic wrap or foil andstore atroom temperature.
Considering this, how do you keep French bread from getting hard?
Wrap the French bread in aluminum foil. Put itina sealed plastic bag and place it in the Freezer. Beforeuse,defrost it at room temperature or wrap it in aluminum foilandstick it in a pre-heated oven for 5 minutes.
The main reason for making your crust go softismoisture. This moisture comes from inside the bread sowhencooling, you must give your bread enough room tobreath.Keep your bread on a cooling rack with enough spaceunderit. Sugars, milk and other ingredients can also contribute toasoft crust.