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Asked by: Ferruccio Martico
home and garden home appliancesHow do you keep fake plants dust free?
- Run over your faux foliage with a feather duster.
- Take the plant outside and use a paintbrush to sweep off the excess dust.
- Attach a cleaning brush to your vacuum and suck up the dust, dirt, and debris.
- Wipe down the leaves, stems, and pot with a dry microfiber cloth or a wet rag.
In this manner, how do you get dust off artificial flowers?
- Dust your flowers weekly. Move in light back-and-forth motions over the areas where dust commonly accumulates.
- Use a silk flower cleaning spray. Mist the flowers lightly.
- Shake the flowers in a bag of salt.
- Spray a mixture of vinegar and water.
- Use soap and water.
Secondly, how do you clean fake plants with hairspray?
Now you take your dusty plant and take your cheap hairspray (I had Suave on hand:) and spray it all over the plant. Be sure to flip your plant over so you can get every side of the leaves. Then you will take your plant (after spraying it all over) and give it a good shake.
Spray with a couple coats of WD-40 to help repel water from rain and sprinklers, and to protect silk flowers' colors from fading due to sunlight. After spraying with WD-40, the silk flowers or greenery will stay beautiful and vibrant for a longer period of time while placed near your loved one's grave.