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Asked by: Kine Escobosa
home and garden home appliancesHow do you keep kale fresh in the fridge?
Option #1: Store Whole Bunches IntheFridge
For a bunch of whole leaves, it's all aboutavoidingexcess moisture. Wrap the bunch of kale in a layerof papertowels, and store in a supermarket plastic bag or azip-topplastic bag in the refrigerator crisper drawer.Thekale should be in great shape foraweek.
Also, how long can you keep kale in the fridge?
about 5 to 7 days
Also know, does fresh kale need to be refrigerated?
Refrigerate the kale for5-7days. Place the kale in the crisper drawer ofyourrefrigerator and use it within 5 to 7 days. If you don't haveacrisper drawer, keep the kale in the door compartment orona standard refrigerator shelf with the stems facing toward thebackof the refrigerator.
Wrap in damp paper towels and store unwashed inaperforated plastic bag. Kale is tastiest if eaten soonafterpurchase, but it should keep in the refrigeratorforup to a week if stored in a perforated plastic bag withitsleaves close together.