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Asked by: Adalbert Halyuta
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you keep spaghetti from getting watery?
Beside this, how do you keep spaghetti from being watery?
To avoid the puddles of water that pool at the bottomofyour plate of spaghetti, simply wait for the pastatostop steaming after you drain it. It's the condensationthatcreates the puddle of water.
Beside above, how do you keep tomato sauce from getting watery?
There are a few things you can do to thickenyoursauce:
- Simmer - you can simmer the sauce at a low heat for quite alongtime without affecting the flavour (generally improvesit).
- Thicken - add 1-2 tbsp of corn starch (or flour tempered).
First, add a very small amount of starch, likecornstarchor a roux. Next, add a little bit of tomato pastetothicken things up more and improve the flavor. Finally,stiryour sauce and simmer it for at least 10 minutes. Inmostcases, this will give you a very thick spaghetti saucethatwill impress your guests.