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Asked by: Raffaella Overton
home and garden landscapingHow do you keep squirrels from destroying sunflowers?
Apply a hot seed spray to your sunflower.
The spray can be purchased at a gardening center or home improvement store. These sprays are non-toxic and can keep the squirrels from eating the sunflower seeds. You can also sprinkle cayenne pepper directly onto the blooms.
In respect to this, what keeps eating my sunflowers?
The most common sunflower pests include the following: Sunflower Beetles – Sunflower beetles typically feed on the leaf foliage and in small numbers or older plants may seldom hurt the plants. Cutworms – Cutworms can also damage the leaves of young sunflowers, leaving notches or holes. Wilting may also occur.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do I stop squirrels from digging up my plants?
Here are some things to try:
- You might try fitting screen or wire mesh around your potted plants, or covering the dirt around plants with sticky tape or stones.
- Lure them away from potted plants and bulbs by feeding them corn or sunflower seeds in a feeder located in another part of the yard.