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Asked by: Merlene Balawin
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you keep your windshield from fogging up in the rain?
Simply so, how do you keep your windows from fogging up in the rain?
Heat - Turning the heater on will help to warm thewindows so they are above the dew point. Don't recirculate -While the recirculate setting on your car's heater might make itwarm up more quickly, it means that the moisture staysinside the car! Turn this off to let the fresh air in and the waterout.
- Turn down the AC if it's warm outside. If you've got foggywindows in the summer, turn down your air conditioner.
- Turn on your windshield wipers. If the fog is on the outside ofyour windshield (as it will be during the summer), you can removeit with your windshield wipers.
- Open your windows.
Then, why do my car windows fog up when it rains?
“It condenses on the inside because the outside iscolder, and when it's colder outside, that lowers the relativehumidity point. Warm air contains more moisture, but Hoppe saidit's the relative humidity that matters, so warm, dry air comingthrough the defroster will clear the glass faster than coolair.
If the condensation is on the outside of yourcar, windshield wipers should do the trick to get rid of thefog, for the time being. Use your defrost.If you can standthe blast of heat, use your heated defrost to balance out thetemperature of your glass in your car. Turn your air conditioningdown.