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Asked by: Clarivel Florsheim
home and garden landscapingHow do you kill gophers with Juicy Fruit gum?
- Step 1: First of all, cut many sticks of chewing gum into the pieces of about ½ square inches.
- Step 2: Now, use a shovel, small hand spade, or any tool to dig into a gopher or mole tunnel.
- Step 3: Place one of the pieces, which we cut earlier, into the hole.
Consequently, can you kill moles with chewing gum?
The only way that you will kill a mole with 176 sticks of Juicy Fruit is to sculpt the chewed gum into the shape of a bowling pin, bake it until it becomes nearly as hard, and then use it to club the life clean out of the next unsuspecting mole you encounter.
Thereof, will chewing gum kill gophers?
GOPHER CONTROL Some have reported that the use of chewing gum or chocolate laxatives will kill gophers, but Rex Marsh, vertebrate pest control specialist at UC Davis, fed these treats to gophers in captivity and found that most simply developed a sweet tooth.
Combine Dawn dish soap, castor oil and water in a bottle. Soak the areas where moles and other burrowing animals are taking over. You might not be able to get rid of them in one go. So repeat this treatment week after week until they are gone.