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Asked by: Quinciano Willckens
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you kill mold in the air?
- Use a mold remover to kill visiblemold.
- Follow up with a mold preventer to assure molddoes not grow back.
- Run a HEPA air purifier to capture mold sporesthat have become airborne.
- Use a dehumidifier to keep the relative indoor humidity below50%.
Likewise, how do you kill mold spores in the air naturally?
To kill mold: Use white distilled vinegar andpour it into a spray bottle without watering it down.Spray the vinegar onto the moldy surface and leave it to sitfor an hour. Finally, wipe the area clean with water andallow the surface to dry.
Secondly, do mold spores ever die?
Mold spores never truly "die" because theycan always begin to multiply again at a later time if newmoisture becomes available. After drying the mold, youshould also remove the spores themselves from yourhome, using a vacuum cleaner.
Its spores float through the air untilthey find a place that has enough nutrients and water to supporttheir life. Lysol is a brand of disinfectant thatmakes a cleaning solution that will kill mold and mildewspores.