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Asked by: Siradio Algarañaz
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you know if a black plum is bad?
Similarly one may ask, how do you know when a black plum is ripe?
The easiest way to tell when your plumsare ripe is to lightly press the skin with your finger.If you make a slight indentation, the plum isprobably ripe. If it's still hard to the touch,you'll need to wait a bit longer.
Also to know is, how do you know if dates have gone bad?
Smell is a clear indicator that will alert you tospoiled dates. These amber-colored fruits don't havea strong smell, but you'll likely notice a delicate and mildfragrance. If you detect a strong, off-putting, or rottenodor, take this as a sign that your dates have gone bad andit's time to toss them.
In choosing fresh plums, select fruit that isfull colored for its variety and firm, except for a slightlysoft tip end -- a good indication of ripeness. The outside of thesefresh plums offers few clues as to the inside. Ayellow plum may be red-fleshed, a red may be yellow, and ablue may be green.