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Asked by: Oprea Grohotov
technology and computing social networkingHow do you know if a Kik pic is live?
Besides, can you fake a live pic on Kik?
A Kik fake camera app allows you to sendcamera roll pictures from your phone as“live” pictures, as though youjust took them from the app. You can use this feature toprank your friends, send the most flattering selfies, and respondhumorously to unwanted messages.
Similarly, how do you do a live pic on Kik?
A live Kik Pic is one you take right now to send in a kikto a friend.
- Open a text message screen.
- Press on the plus sign (+) in the bottom right of thescreen.
- Select the camera from the icons in the middle of thescreen.
- Focus the bottom half of the screen over what you want tophotograph.
Just right-click on the photo and choose Open With– Preview. In the toolbar menu, click on Tools and then ShowInspector. In the Inspector window, click on the Exif tab and youshould see all the Exif data for that picture. You'llsee more or less depending on how much Exif data is storedin the image.