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Asked by: Esthela Huranov
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you know if a thermistor is bad?
Besides, can a thermistor go bad?
When you apply heat to the body of athermistor,its resistance should begin to steadily declinewithin secondsafter heat is applied. If the NTC thermistorfollows thisbehavior, then it is good. If it does not, it is faultyand shouldbe discarded.
Similarly, it is asked, does a thermistor have continuity?
Customer Questions and Answers for ThermistorbyWhirlpool Got new part, it also does nothavecontinuity, hooked it in and ignitor does not goon, sono heat for dryer. Thermistors do nothavecontinuity, they show resistance. You should read around10kOhms at room temperature.
In refrigerators, the thermistor is akeypart of the system that allows the refrigerator tostaywithin a short range of temperatures and turn on its coolingcyclewhen the temperature starts to rise. Problems withthethermistor will keep the refrigerator fromoperatingcorrectly.