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Asked by: Hadrian Paradas
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do you know if honeysuckle is invasive?
Subsequently, one may also ask, is Honeysuckle an invasive plant?
Bush honeysuckles are invasive deciduous shrubs that grow up to 20 feet tall. The center of twigs on invasive bush honeysuckles are hollow, a trait that distinguishes the invasive species from their native look-alikes. There are several native species of Lonicera spp. but most grow as vines, not shrubs.
Moreover, how do you get rid of invasive honeysuckle?
Honeysuckle can be mechanically removed or chemically treated, he said. “For just a few plants, homeowners should cut it off at the ground; treat it with a brush killer and then mow/bushhog the area on very regular basis to keep the plant from making any new leaves.
Where to plant: Choose a site with moist, well-drained soil where your honeysuckle plant will receive full sun. Although honeysuckles don't mind some shade, they will flower more profusely in a sunny location.