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Asked by: Souhail Fennrich
family and relationships divorceHow do you know if I should stay married?
If any these signs hit home for you, it's time to take a hard look at whether this is a marriage you want to stay in.
- You Aren't Having Sex Anymore.
- You're Preoccupied With Other People's Needs and Problems.
- You Have One or More of the Big Relationship Destroyers.
- You Don't Like Spending Quality Time Together.
Similarly, what are the warning signs of divorce?
Here are nine key signs that it may be time to get some relationship help:
- You are not happy.
- Most of your interactions are not positive.
- You find reasons to avoid your partner.
- Your friends or family urge you to end the relationship.
- Your instincts are telling you to get out.
- You live like roommates.
- Everything is hard.
Subsequently, question is, how do you decide if I should divorce?
Consider These 5 Factors When Contemplating Divorce
- Don't Give Up on Your Marriage Until You've Done Everything to Solve the Problems.
- Don't Become Involved With Another Person.
- Don't Allow Anger to Drive You to Divorce.
- Don't Leave an Unhappy Marriage Until You Can Take Care of Yourself Financially.
- The Honeymoon period. This lasts on average from the date of the wedding until around the third wedding anniversary.
- The Seven Year Itch. The danger period from the 4th to the 7th anniversary of a marriage is when married couples are most at risk of divorce.
- Medium Term Marriage Risk.
- Til Death Do Us Part.