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Asked by: Sobiha Haberlein
pop culture celebrity pregnancyHow do you know if someone muted you on Instagram stories?
Also know, how can you tell if someone muted you on Instagram?
Your friends won't know whetheryou'vemuted them. Much like Twitter's mute andFacebook'ssnooze features, muting people on Instagramwill hidetheir Stories and posts without them knowing. Users canstill visitmuted friends' pages to see their postsandunmute their friends whenever they choose.
In this way, what happens when someone mutes you on Instagram?
Hard Fork Summit is coming Their posts will no longer populate your feed, andtheywon't be alerted that they've been muted. It also workswithStories, and you can mute from the menu thereaswell. You'll still be notified when you're taggedinposts or comments by that user, though.
You should find a note that says “Youhavemuted [Instagram name]'s story”andsimply tap on “Unmute”, which is located next tothenote. The person's stories will then appear onyourStory Feed again. This is your fastest optionforunmuting.