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Asked by: Benno Matter
business and finance marketing and advertisingHow do you know if you chose the wrong major?
1. You're always bored in class. No collegeclassis going to wow you all the time, but ifthecoursework in your major consistently fails tointerestyou, you may have picked the wrongmajor. Butyou should have some level of interest orexcitement for theclasses and material you'retaking.
Similarly, it is asked, is it OK to switch majors?
Don't worry, changing your majorisperfectly normal. Studies show that 50%-70% ofundergraduatestudents change their majors at leastonce, and themajority change their majors at leastthree times.Every student will reach a point when it is,unfortunately, toolate to switch majors.
Also know, when can you change your major?
It is best to speak with your counselorbeforeyou make any official decisions, but in general,mostcounselors will recommend that students changetheirmajor after their first year.
Declare or change your major
- Read major descriptions in the General Catalog.
- Talk with your college advisor.
- Explore majors by speaking with department advisors.
- Discuss career options with a Career Services counselor.
- Read the Academic Senate policy on Majors (section A).