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Asked by: Rune Barthold
family and relationships datingHow do you know if you messed up your relationship?
7 Signs Your Relationship Fears Are Messing Up YourConnection With Your Partner
- You're Self-Sabotaging. Ashley Batz for Bustle.
- You Have A Wandering Eye.
- You Feel Like They're Going To LeaveYou.
- You're Living In The Past.
- You're Fighting A Lot.
- You're Behaving Irrationally.
- You're Punishing Your Partner For No Reason.
Likewise, what do you do when you mess up your relationship?
If you're the one who messed up, it's time you fessedup.
- Decide what you really want.
- Take complete responsibility for your part and apologizesincerely.
- Accept that they might punish you for a while.
- Give them time and space to forgive you.
- Avoid becoming defensive.
- Give him space. Men need time to think.
- Collect your thoughts/emotions. You need time to cool offtoo.
- Acknowledge the problem. Be the bigger person and talk aboutthe issue.
- Dress as if paparazzi is following you.
- Draw him in.
- Slowly let the feelings out.
- Talk in a civil manner.
- Say no to sex.
Regarding this, how do you know if you are the problem in a relationship?
8 signs you're the problem in your relationship
- You're hot-headed.
- You think your partner is inferior to you.
- You avoid conflict.
- You're obsessed with social media.
- You don't take responsibility for your actions.
- You have friends whispering in your ear.
- You prioritize your own needs/wants first.
- You want him to make you a better person.
Once the communication is back on track, try these seventips to reignite the spark:
- Boost your dopamine —together.
- Kiss more often.
- Remember what it was like when you first met.
- 4. Make a list of sexual possibilities.
- Keep the mystery alive.
- Get in touch with your own sexuality.
- Seek out a sex coach.