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Asked by: Esmerinda Hellekes
family and relationships datingHow do you know if you should stay with someone?
20 Clear Signs You Should Stay In Your Relationship Or Leave ASAP
- Leave ASAP: They're extremely jealous when you talk to other people.
- Leave ASAP: You spend a lot of time thinking about what else is out there.
- Leave ASAP: Your partner has a major character flaw.
- Leave ASAP: There's ANY type of abuse in the relationship.
In this way, how do you know when to leave a relationship?
Here, experts explain some of the signs that indicate it may be time to let go:
- Your needs aren't being met.
- You're seeking those needs from others.
- You're scared to ask for more from your partner.
- Your friends and family don't support your relationship.
- You feel obligated to stay with your partner.
- You make excuses for them regularly.
- It's time to leave if you feel lonely around them.
- Your relationship doesn't feel healthy.
- It's time to leave if you have to wear a mask.
- Your partner doesn't try to fix things.
Also Know, how do you know if your compatible with someone?
9 Signs You And Your Partner Are Compatible
- You share the same core values.
- Your partner finds your quirks endearing.
- You come out the other side of an argument in one piece.
- Your partner is the first person you want to share good and bad news with.
- You have similar upbringings.
- Your interests overlap and you have fun together.
It's something that you have to work for. It's going to take time, and work, but with the right person, it is definitely worth it. You should never give up on someone that you love, even if the circumstances are hard. There are the people who want to love someone, but they just can't give them what they need.