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Asked by: Eliany Hemalatha
video gaming console gamesHow do you know if you still have Xbox Live?
Accordingly, how do I check how old my Xbox account is?
The easy way to tell the age of your XboxLiveaccount is by viewing your Gamercard fromtheXbox Guide. Look at the upper right hand corner ofthescreen - to the right of your gamertag there will beanumber.
Similarly one may ask, do Xbox Live cards expire if not used?
If the code itself has expired theremaynot be anything that can be done. XboxLivesubscription cards & money in your Microsoftaccounttypically do not expire, except for promotionaloffers.If you purchased promotional codes from them, theywouldhave an expiry date.
Gamertags to expire after five yearsofinactivity. Xbox Gamertags will soon expireafterfive years, should you go that long without signing into XboxLive."Notice that Xbox now requires that you sign in at least everyfiveyears to keep your gamertag active," the companyplainlystated.