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Asked by: Sanya Luttcke
food and drink food allergiesHow do you know if you're allergic to latex condoms?
People also ask, how do you know if you allergic to latex condoms?
Although people can be allergic to lambskin andotherforms of condoms, the most commoncondomallergy is due to latex, says Dr. Wider.
If you're mildly allergic to latex, you might experiencesymptomslike:
- Itching.
- Reddened skin.
- A rash or hives.
Considering this, can a person be allergic to condoms?
In some people, latex exposure can igniteafull-blown allergic reaction. During sex, women withlatexallergies may encounter vaginal swelling anditching.“Mucus membrane exposure to a condom in awoman withlatex allergy could provoke a serioussystemicreaction,” he says.
#4 Latex Mattress Allergy Symptoms The allergic responses canincludedryness, burning, itching, scaling, cramps, elevatedheartbeat,tremors, pain in the chest, labored breathing,hypotension,anaphylactic shock, and potentialfatality.