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Asked by: Montesclaros Mugarre
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsHow do you know if your eardrum has burst?
Signs and symptoms of a ruptured eardrummayinclude:
- Ear pain that may subside quickly.
- Mucuslike, pus-filled or bloody drainage fromyourear.
- Hearing loss.
- Ringing in your ear (tinnitus)
- Spinning sensation (vertigo)
- Nausea or vomiting that can result from vertigo.
Furthermore, what happens when your eardrum bursts?
A ruptured eardrum, like a clap of thunder,canhappen suddenly. A ruptured eardrum -- also knownas aperforated eardrum or a tympanic membrane perforation-- canlead to complications such as middle ear infections andhearingloss. It may also require surgery to repair the damage totheeardrum.
Also question is, how long does a burst eardrum take to heal?
two months
When to go to the emergencyroom(ER) Seek medical care right away if you: Have severepain,bleeding, or ringing in your ear.