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Asked by: Buenaventura Limas
sports skateboardingHow do you know if your goofy or regular in snowboarding?
Just so, are there more regular or goofy skaters?
Of the 4,000 skaters in the Skatepark of TampaDatabase, about half are goofy (44%) and half areregular (56%). So right-handed skaters aren't alwaysregular footed, and left-handed skaters aren't alwaysgoofy footed. Myth busted, motherfuckers!
Then, what angle should my snowboard bindings be set at?
If you want to set up your snowboardbindings correctly, your stance on a snowboard should beabout shoulder width, with approximately 15 degrees of angleon your front binding and around 0 degrees in the back.Experiment and find what's most comfortable for you, in the endit's individual preference.
Most snowboarders prefer a "duck" stance,where your feet are slightly angled away from each other, whilesome freeride or all mountain snowboarders prefer to haveboth feet angled towards the front of the board.