Asked by: Peña Bile
science space and astronomy

How do you know when to use Sohcahtoa?

The calculation is simply one side of a right angled triangle divided by another side we just have to know which sides, and that is where "sohcahtoa" helps.

Sine, Cosine and Tangent.
Sine: soh sin(θ) = opposite / hypotenuse
Tangent: toa tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent

Also question is, how do you know when to use Sin Cos or tan?

If you have the hypotenuse and the opposite side, then use sine. If you have the hypotenuse and the adjacent side, then use cosine. If you have the adjacent and the opposite sides, then use tangent.

Also Know, how is sin calculated? Sine (sin) function - Trigonometry. In a right triangle, the sine of an angle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse. In any right triangle, the sine of an angle x is the length of the opposite side (O) divided by the length of the hypotenuse (H).

Furthermore, how do you remember Sin Cos Tan?

An alternate way to remember the letters for Sin, Cos, and Tan is to memorize the nonsense syllables Oh, Ah, Oh-Ah (i.e. /o? ? ˈo?. ?/) for O/H, A/H, O/A. Or, to remember all six functions, Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot, Sec, and Csc, memorize the syllables O/H, A/H, Oh/Ah, Ah/Oh, H/A, H/O (i.e. /o? ? ˈo?.

How do you do tangent?


  1. Step 1 The two sides we know are Opposite (300) and Adjacent (400).
  2. Step 2 SOHCAHTOA tells us we must use Tangent.
  3. Step 3 Calculate Opposite/Adjacent = 300/400 = 0.75.
  4. Step 4 Find the angle from your calculator using tan-1

Related Question Answers

Xiaoxue Junker


How do you find tangent?

In any right triangle, the tangent of an angle is the length of the opposite side (O) divided by the length of the adjacent side (A). In a formula, it is written simply as 'tan'. Often remembered as "SOH" - meaning Sine is Opposite over Hypotenuse.

Abibou Ubao


Where we use Sin Cos Tan in real life?

It is used in oceanography in calculating the height of tides in oceans. The sine and cosine functions are fundamental to the theory of periodic functions, those that describe the sound and light waves. Calculus is made up of Trigonometry and Algebra.

Malainine Calomeu


Can you use sin cos and tan on non right triangles?

How is trigonometry used on non-right angled triangles? To do this, there are two rules, the Sine Rule and The Cosine Rule. The sine rule is a/Sin A = b/Sin B = c/Sin C. If you are left with Cos/ Sin/ Tan x, remember to use the inverse to get the answer.

Alasana Mihnev


What is the rule for Sin Cos Tan?

The functions of sin, cos and tan can be calculated as follows: Sine Function: sin(θ) = Opposite / Hypotenuse. Cosine Function: cos(θ) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse. Tangent Function: tan(θ) = Opposite / Adjacent.

Ascencion Rosines


Does Sohcahtoa work on all triangles?

The Sine Rule can be used in any triangle (not just right-angled triangles) where a side and its opposite angle are known. You will only ever need two parts of the Sine Rule formula, not all three. You will need to know at least one pair of a side with its opposite angle to use the Sine Rule.

Xelo Larrinzar


What is SOH CAH TOA?

SOHCAHTOA. A way of remembering how to compute the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle. SOH stands for Sine equals Opposite over Hypotenuse. CAH stands for Cosine equals Adjacent over Hypotenuse. TOA stands for Tangent equals Opposite over Adjacent.

Yahui Coterillo


Do trig functions work on all triangles?

Explanation: Although most often trigonometric functions are used with right triangles there are some situations when they can be used for any type of triangle. Examples: If you have two sides given and an angle between them you can use the trigonometric functions the Law of Cosines to calculate the third side.

Evaristo Krasimirov


Who came up with SOH CAH TOA?

Sines, Cosines, and Codes
When she was ten, Sophia discovered the ratio of the Sine, which was the side opposite an angle in a right triangle divided by its hypotenuse. She also discovered the Cosine ratio, which was the side adjacent to an angle in a right triangle divided by its hypotenuse.

Ailian Felices


What are the 6 trigonometric functions?

For any right triangle, there are six trig ratios: Sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), cosecant (csc), secant (sec), and cotangent (cot).

Suzanne Albertos


What is sine rule for Triangle?

The Sine Rule
The Law of Sines (sine rule) is an important rule relating the sides and angles of any triangle (it doesn't have to be right-angled!): If a, b and c are the lengths of the sides opposite the angles A, B and C in a triangle, then: a = b = c. sinA sinB sinC.

Mademba Pedrol


Can you divide by sin?

sinθ can be 0. Thus, you divide by zero. If sinθ=0, your equation is satisfied whatever value 2cosθ has (not necessarily 1), which gives you some values of θ. So you have to exclude the solutions to sinθ=0 before you divide by it, which will give you other values.

Olina Teijeira


How do you do trigonometry step by step?

There are three steps:
  1. Choose which trig ratio to use. - Choose either sin, cos, or tan by determining which side you know and which side you are looking for.
  2. Substitute.
  3. Solve.
  4. Step 1: Choose which trig ratio to use.
  5. Step 2: Substitute.
  6. Step 3: Solve.
  7. Step 1: Choose the trig ratio to use.
  8. Step 2: Substitute.

Lisseth Riscos


What's the difference between trig and Pythagoras?

There is a vast difference between these two. Trigonometry is a branch of Mathematics which deals with length and angles. Whereas, Pythagoras theorem is a law or formulae used in finding length in a right angled triangle involved in trigonometry.