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Asked by: Magen Gorrotxategi
technology and computing laptopsHow do you lock your keyboard on a Mac?
Keeping this in consideration, how do you lock your keyboard?
If your keyboard lacks a "Windows" key, youcanstill lock the keyboard by pressing "CTRL" + "Alt"+"Del" keys simultaneously for a few seconds. If theWindowsSecurity window appears, select "Lock Computer." Ifthe TaskManager window instead appears, select "Shutdown,"then"Lock Computer" to lockthekeyboard.
Herein, is there a way to turn off keyboard on MacBook?
Here's a solution to this quandary that'll let youtapthe Option key (Alt on some keyboards) five timestodisable the MacBook keyboard and trackpad, butleavethe external keyboard and mouse working. At the topright,click the Options button alongside the EnableMouseKeys checkbox.
If you use the new MacBook Pro or a Windows/external keyboard, use a program like Karabiner Elementstomap from a key you choose to "Eject", so that the goodoldCTRL-SHIFT-EJECT works. By default, you canuseCtrl+Command+Q.