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Asked by: Yukari Ivanciu
home and garden home appliancesHow do you make a cardboard mouse trap car?
Take the 2 pieces of cardboard (about 4”x10”) and cut a rectangular notch (about 1”x2“) in the center of the short side of each piece of cardboard. Be sure that the notches overlap. Then place the two pieces of cardboard on top of each other and tape the edges together to make one double thick piece of cardboard.
Then, how do you make a mousetrap racer?
Part 2 of 3: Making the Wheels and Chassis
- Make the wheels for your car.
- Remove dangerous teeth from the snap-arm of your trap.
- Fashion your chassis from your heavy cardboard.
- Attach your mousetrap to the top of your chassis.
- Align and attach your eye hooks to the bottom of your chassis.
- Create your axle rods.
Also to know, how does a mousetrap car work?
The mousetrap storespotential energyin the form of the spring. That potential energy is converted into kinetic energy in the form of the arm rotating forward. The arm pulls on the wound-up string, which turns the drive wheel dowel, which is connected to the wheels, which makes the car drive forward.
The ideal size for an ultra big wheel on a long distance mousetrap racer seams to be somewhere between 10 and 15 inches. bonus tip: long-distance racers should have a large drive wheel and small axle.