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Asked by: Shabana Mollerbernd
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do you make a caret symbol on Android?
Creating the ^ symbol on a smartphoneortablet
To create a caret on a smartphone or tablet,openthe keyboard, go into the numbers (123), then (#+=)orsymbols (sym), and tap the^symbol.
Similarly, it is asked, how do you make special characters on Android?
You can type special characters in just aboutanyapp using the standard Android keyboard. To get tothespecial characters, simply press and hold the keyassociatedwith that special character until a pop-uppickerappears.
Similarly, how do I get more symbols on my keyboard?
Hold the "Alt" key and type the proper ASCII code onthenumeric keypad. When you release the "Alt" key, youshouldsee your desired symbol on the screen.
Launch the Settings app.
- Tap Language & Input.
- Tap the Settings Icon for Android Keyboard.
- Tap Input languages.
- You've now successfully added more keyboard languages toyourdevice. Now you'll need to change the language while inyoursurvey.
- Choose the Language you want the keyboard to display.