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Asked by: Naama Lysihin
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow do you make a coat hanger star?
Keeping this in consideration, how many hangers does it take to make a star?
Widen the two sides so the angle of the pointy tip is about 36 degrees. Just pull on the hangers. The distance between the marks you made on the top and bottom edge should be about the same for all 5 hangers. You can use a drawing of a star point as a pattern to get the angle right if you need it.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how many hangers does it take to make a snowflake?
If your looking for a unique and fun Christmas decoration then your going to love this one. This can be put in your your home or hung outside . The first step is to take 8 hangers and start placing 2 hangers together at a time. You will be forming the first layer of your snowflake.
How to Make a Christmas Star
- Step 1: Trim Paper to Square. Take 5 pieces of paper.
- Step 2: Intial Folding. The square paper is already folded diagonally while trimming.
- Step 3: Final Fold.
- Step 4: How to Make Star Shape.
- Step 5: Apply Glue and Stick Segments.
- Step 6: Insert Lighting.
- Step 7: Close the Center Opening.
- Step 8: Display Your Star.