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Asked by: Iurdana Terencio
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow do you make a crystal necklace with wire?
- Twist the Wires. Hold the two wires together, find the middle, and twist them around each other.
- Place Your Stone. Shape the two wires at the bottom of the twist to create a V.
- Wrap and Twist Some More.
- Cross and Continue.
- Create a Bail.
Considering this, how do you make crystal jewelry with wire?
- Cut a piece of 24-gauge wire about 1 foot (0.30 m) long.
- Wrap one end of the wire around round-nose pliers 3 times.
- Cover your crystal with a small piece of tissue paper to protect the stone.
- Lay the crystal between the 2 ends of the wire so the point rests in the ring.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what tools do you need for wire wrapping jewelry?
These three essential wire wrapping tools mentioned in the video are: round nose pliers, chain nose pliers, and flush cutters. These tools can be purchased together as a set*, or they can be purchased individually. They can also be used for basic beading (stringing beads) as well as basic wire wrapping!
Crystal healing therapy involves placing gemstones on the body to draw out negative energy. Proponents of this technique believe that crystals act as conduits for healing — allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out.