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Asked by: William Shaidurov
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you make a fruit fly trap with white vinegar?
In this manner, what kind of vinegar do you use for fruit flies?
Pour a small amount—an inch or so—ofapplecider vinegar into the glass. The cider vinegarhas anice, fruity aroma that fruit flies simplycannotresist.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you catch fruit flies with vinegar?
Pour just enough cider vinegar to cover thebottomof the jar. Add a drop of dish soap (it will break thesurfacetension of the vinegar so the fruit fliescan't justsit atop the liquid). Now, cover the jar with plasticwrap and pokea few holes in the top.
Vinegar and Dish Soap If you find your fruit flies imperviousyourplastic wrap or paper cone traps, try adding three drops ofdishsoap to a bowl of vinegar, and leave ituncovered. Thesoap cuts the surface tension of thevinegar so theflies will sink anddrown.