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Asked by: Yissel Schoennert
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you make a good fruit tray?
How to Make a Fruit Tray Pretty
- Buy fruit that is fresh and in-season.
- Choose at least three different fruits.
- Cut the fruit into manageable sizes.
- Don't slice everything.
- Arrange it on a pretty platter.
- Group the fruit together.
- Add some garnish for color and interest.
- Include a fun dip or toppings, if you like.
Correspondingly, can you make a fruit tray the night before?
Most of the fruit should be purchased as closetothe date of the event as possible. The day of, or thedaybefore is best. You can make the entiretraythe day of the event, by washing the fruit,cutting it up,and arranging it on the tray, and then keepingtheplatter chilled, and covered, untilservingtime.
In this manner, how much fruit do I need for 25 guests?
When determining how much fruit to buy, gobyweight. Figure on 4 ounces of fruit, not counting peels,perperson, or about 25 pounds of fruit for100people.
- Melons – they're firmer so make a great base forthesofter berries and fruits.
- Tropical fruit – the top of a pineapple can beincludedfor height, while dragonfruit looks vibrant.
- Fresh figs.
- Dried fruit (particularly for an autumn/winterfruitplatter)