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Asked by: Crysta Waldschmitt
science physicsHow do you make a motor with a battery wire and a magnet?
- Gather your materials. You don't need any special toolstomake a homopolar motor.
- Put the magnet on the screw. Take theneodymiummagnet and attach it the head of the drywallscrew.
- Attach the screw to one end of the battery.
- Place the copper wire on the battery.
- Complete the motor.
Also, how do you make something spin with a battery?
What to do:
- Put the magnet on the negative end of the battery.
- Bend the wire into a shape so that one end touches themagnetand part of the wire touches the positive end of thebattery.
- Place the wire onto the battery so that it is touchingthepositive end of the battery and the magnet.
- Watch what happens.
In this manner, what happens if you connect a battery to a magnet?
The copper wire connects thepositivebattery terminal to the magnet at thenegativebattery terminal, completing the circuit.Whencurrent flows in a magnetic field, it'llexperience a force— the Lorentz force — that actsperpendicular to boththe current's direction and the direction ofthe magneticfield.
The main parts of an electric motorincludethe stator and rotor, a series of gears or belts, andbearings toreduce friction. DC motors also need acommutator to reversecurrent direction and keep the motorspinning.