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Asked by: Sade Pessante
style and fashion mens formal wearHow do you make a pocket square for a rose?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you make a pocket square?
- Start out by laying the pocket square on a flat surface.
- Fold one corner in so that you get twooverlappingtriangles.
- Fold one side of the triangle in.
- Do the same on the opposite side.
- Finally place the pocket square in your jacket's pocket.
In this manner, why pocket square is used?
The pocket square is for show and belongs inyourjacket breast pocket. It is normally made from silk,alight-weight cotton or linen, and should be small enough tofoldwithout creating bulk. The handkerchief is for blow andgoesin your back or front pants pocket or inside yourjacketlower pockets/inside pockets.
Place a silk tie flat on the atablein front of you, lying horizontally with thefrontside down. Fold the wide end of the tie downpastwhere the tip angles, and tuck the entire creation intoyourlapel pocket. The top folded edge youjustcreated will look like a folded silkpocketsquare.