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Asked by: Yarey Twenhovel
sports skateboardingHow do you make a rubber band ball with little rubber bands?
Moreover, how are rubber band balls manufactured?
Manufacturing. Rubber bands are made by extruding the rubber into a long tube to provide its general shape, putting the tubes on mandrels, curing the rubber with heat, and then slicing it across the width of the tube into little bands. This causes the tube to split into multiple sections, creating a rubber band.
Likewise, people ask, do rubber band balls bounce?
Answer 1: The height a rubber band ball (or any other ball) bounces has to do with the elasticity of the collision between the ball and the floor. In an elastic collision, kinetic energy and momentum are conserved. When it hits the floor in an inelastic collision, it loses some of its kinetic energy.
In 2008, a Lauderhill man named Joel Waul earned the Guinness World Record for having made the world's largest rubber band ball. Waul named it “Megaton,” and it stands six feet, seven inches tall, with a circumference of 26 feet.