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Asked by: Mirari Aquino
hobbies and interests scrapbookingHow do you make a snowflake out of toilet paper?
First, collect up some empty toilet paper orpaper towel tubes. One toilet paper tube willmake one snowflake. Next, crease the tube down flat,and cut it into 6 strips about 1/2 inch thick. Usequick-drying tacky glue, or hot glue, to glue the points of thetube to one another, forming the snowflakeshape.
Accordingly, how do you make a snowflake out of tissue paper?
- Start with a square piece of paper.
- Fold paper in half diagonally to make a triangle.
- Fold paper triangle in half so that the pointed cornersmeet.
- Fold paper triangle in thirds, overlapping the lefthand pointedcorner over the triangle.
- Overlap the righthand pointed corner over the triangle.
- Race Car. Hook their LEGO men up with a new set of wheels bypainting and adding cardboard tires to a toilet paper roll.
- Super Hero Cuffs. You don't need special powers to make theseawesome wristlets with your little hero.
- Toilet Paper Roll Tunnel.
- Seedling Pots.
- Slinky Snake.
- Shape Stamps.
- Birthday Crowns.
- Confetti poppers.
Beside above, can you spray paint toilet paper rolls?
To make it you'll need toilet paper rolls,a hot glue gun and spray paint. First flatten therolls and cut them into 1'' circles. Then paint itany color you want, let it dry and put it up on thewall.
How to Make 6-Pointed Paper Snowflakes
- Step 1: Start With a Square. First, begin with a square pieceof copy paper.
- Step 2: Fold in Half Diagonally. Fold the square of paperdiagonally to make a triangle.
- Step 3: Fold in Half Again.
- Step 4: Fold One Third.
- Step 5: Fold Again.
- Step 6: Cut the "top" Off at an Angle.
- Step 7: Shape It!
- Step 8: Unfold to Reveal!