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Asked by: Yumiko Kopken
family and relationships datingHow do you make a stranger boy fall in love with you?
Here's how you can get a guy's attention with a fewsubtlemoves:
- Don't be afraid to make eye contact. Lock eyes withtheboy, let him know you see him, and then smileandlook away.
- Don't cross your arms over your chest. Keep them at yoursidesor use them to gesture.
- Stand tall.
- Tilt your head.
Similarly, you may ask, how can I attract a boy without talking to him?
- Dress in a flattering way. Your sense of style is whatyourcrush will first notice about you unconsciously.
- Wear makeup to get your guy's attention.
- Love yourself.
- Be a fun loving girl.
- Never look desperate for your guy's attention.
- Be approachable.
- Add him on Social Media.
- Bump into him to get your guy's attention.
- Sit or stand close and touch him to show you're comfortablewithhim.
- Make eye contact with him and maintain it.
- Bite your lips to draw attention to your mouth.
- Ask him to kiss you in a playful way.
- Look for hints that he's interested, too.
Furthermore, how do you know if a boy loves u?
If a boy is shy, he will likely blushwhenyou talk to him. Look for any redness on his cheeks orsigns ofsweaty palms (he may rub his palms on his clothing orfidget withhis hands). He may be more likely to say somethingawkward orembarrassing and then blush if he is nervous. Tryto makehim feel comfortable.
- Spend more time with your friends. The best way to igniteahealthy jealousy in your boyfriend is to show him that youdon'tneed him to have fun.
- Keep your cool.
- Wait to respond to him.
- Hang out with other guy friends.
- Do his favorite things with someone else.
- Make a big change in your appearance.